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Party Building
CGCM Holds a Brisk Walk Event to “Welcome the Convening of the 20th CPC National Congress”

This year marks the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In the afternoon of October 10, the CGCM organized a brisk walk event in the Sanwan Scenic Area to “welcome the convening of the 20th CPC National Congress” and promote greater awareness among employees about their physical well-being and enrich their spiritual and cultural lives. All museum staff took part in this event.

In October, the Sanwan Wetland Park was ablaze with more intense autumn hues, creating a picturesque scenery. The CGCM employees took a brisk walk vigorously and enthusiastically along the route where General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the ecological corridor of the Sanwan section of the Grand Canal. They showcased a united and indomitable spirit, creating a splendid scenery in the autumn.

The brisk walk event was designed not only to enhance physical fitness but also to ignite a fighting spirit and foster team cohesion among the participants. The participating employees all expressed their commitment to take more active part in sports in the future. They aim to embrace their work and life with a healthier physique, a more enthusiastic spirit, and a determined attitude to greet the convening of the 20th CPC National Congress through practical actions.

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