Cn En
Party Building
All CGCM Party Cadres Participate in Thematic Party Day Activity of Learning and Education in Liyang

On September 26, 2022, Zheng Jing, the Party branch secretary of the CGCM, led all Party cadres to the Memorial Hall of Jiangnan Command Post of the New Fourth Army, the Shangxing Mound Tomb, and the archaeological site of the Guxian ruins in Liyang, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province to participate in the thematic Party day activity of learning and education. This event aimed to consolidate the results of their Party history learning and education, improve their professional proficiency, and welcome the convening of the 20th National Congress.

At the Memorial Hall of the Jiangnan Command Post of the New Fourth Army, everyone listened attentively to the history of the establishment of the Jiangnan Command Post of the New Fourth Army and the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs who fought in bloody battles. Through reflecting on the actions of New Fourth Army generals like Chen Yi and Su Yu, all Party members were deeply moved by the courageous and fearless spirit of these heroes and recognized the hard-earned nature of the peaceful life enjoyed today.

At the Shangxing Mound Tomb and archaeological site of the Guxian ruins, archaeologists from Nanjing Museum gave an introduction to the excavation of Liuzhuang Village Mound Tombs in Shangxing Town and Guxian and guided the participants in observing the unearthed cultural relics. After the observation, the Party members communicated and learned with the archaeologists, discussing the important ruins and relics discovered during cleaning. Zheng Jing pointed out that museum staff should shoulder the responsibility of protecting historical and cultural heritage and develop a stronger sense of dignity in their profession.

This thematic Party day activity integrated Party history study and education with archaeological practice, offering a rich array of content and varied forms. It allowed all Party members to witness firsthand the revolutionary integrity exhibited by the older generation and the spirit of hard work demonstrated by their archaeological peers. They will be even more steadfast in upholding the original aspirations and mission as a Communist Party member and contribute to the conservation of cultural relics and the inheritance of culture in their future endeavors. They will welcome the convening of the 20th National Congress with outstanding results.

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