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Introduction to the CGCM’s Council Members
2023-12-28 10:36:29

1. Shi Feng (a member of the leading Party group and the deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, director of the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, and Party committee secretary of Nanjing Museum)


Shi Feng, of Han nationality, was born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province in July 1972. He became a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in March 1996 and commenced his career in August 1997. Shi holds a postgraduate degree in CPC history from the History Department of the School of Humanities and a master’s degree in law from Tsinghua University. He is currently the deputy director and a member of the leading Party group of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, director of the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, and Party committee secretary of Nanjing Museum.

2. Liu Kang (secretary of the Party leadership group and president of Jiangsu Branch of Xinhua News Agency)

Liu Kang, of Han nationality, was born in 1968. He is currently the secretary of the Party leadership group and president of Jiangsu Branch of Xinhua News Agency. He is also a deputy to the 13th and 14th People’s Congress of Jiangsu Province.

3. Shuang Chuanxue (Party committee secretary and president of Xinhua Daily Press and chairman of Xinhua Newspaper Media Group)


Shuang Chuanxue is a professor (with Level II professional and technical qualifications) with a PhD degree from the Department of Philosophy of Nanjing University. He once served as a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), 14th CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, and the 13th Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, as well as a deputy to the 13th People’s Congress of Jiangsu Province. Shuang is currently the Party committee secretary and president of Xinhua Daily Press, chairman of Xinhua Newspaper Media Group, and doctoral supervisor at Nanjing University and Hohai University. He has been successively selected as a National Outstanding Technical Professional, National Cultural Famous Artist and “One Batch of Four” talent, leading talent of the national “Ten Thousands Talent Plan” in Philosophy and Social Sciences, a Famous Scholar of Social Science in Jiangsu Province, and a first-level trainee in the “333 High-level Talent Training Project” of Jiangsu Province. Shuang is granted the State Council Special Allowance.

Shuang Chuanxue mainly engages in research on the chinization of Marxism and on the Marxist view of journalism. He has presided over more than 10 projects including major bidding projects of the National Social Science Fund and major projects of the CPC Central Committee’s Marxist Theory Research and Construction. He has published 23 books (including monographs and co-authored works), more than 220 papers, and won 8 first prizes at the national, ministerial, and provincial levels.

4. Ge Lai (Party committee secretary and president of Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation, and chairman of Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation Co., Ltd.)


Corporation, and chairman of Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation Co., Ltd.)

Ge Lai, of Han nationality, was born in Xuyi, Jiangsu Province in 1968. He holds a PhD degree in literature. He once served as the director of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and director-general of the Jiangsu Provincial Civilization Office. He is currently the Party committee secretary and president of Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation as well as the chairman of Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation Co., Ltd.

5. Wang Hongjun (Party committee secretary and chairman of Jiangsu Cultural Investment & Management Group)


Wang Hongjun, of Han nationality, was born in July 1975. He is a CPC member and postgraduate. He serves as the Party committee secretary and chairman of Jiangsu Cultural Investment & Management Group Co., Ltd., the president of Jiangsu Cultural Industry Association, a Jiangsu industry professor, and a professor-level senior economist.

6. Zhang Chaoyang (Party committee secretary and chairman of Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing & Media Group)


Born in January 1966, Zhang Chaoyang is a CPC member. He is a professor-level senior economist with an EMBA degree from Nanjing University and deputy to the 14th People’s Congress of Jiangsu Province. He is now the Party committee secretary and chairman of Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing & Media Group as well as the president of Jiangsu Publishing House. Zhang has served as the director of the Young Workers Department of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth League Committee, deputy general manager of Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway Co., Ltd., deputy secretary of Guannan County Party Committee, director of Investment and Development Division of Jiangsu Communications Industry Group (now known as “Jiangsu Communications Holding Co., Ltd” after a merger), chairman of Lianyungang Keyinge Bulk Terminal, deputy general manager of Suyan Group, chairman and Party committee secretary of Jiangsu Suyan Jingshen Co., Ltd., secretary of the Committee for Discipline Inspection of China State Farms Agribusiness Group, secretary of the Committee for Discipline Inspection of Phoenix Publishing & Media Group, and Party committee secretary and chairman of Suyan Group.

7.Zhang Lianhong (member of the standing committee of the Party committee and vice president of Nanjing Normal University)


Born in September 1966, Zhang Lianhong, of Han nationality, is a native of Dongtai, Jiangsu Province with a PhD degree. He became a CPC member in May 1996 and started his career in August 1992. He is now a member of the standing committee of the Party committee, vice president, professor, and doctoral supervisor of Nanjing Normal University. Zhang also serves as a member of the History Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, a member of the Academic Committee of the Special Anti-Japanese War Project supported by the National Social Science Fund, president of the Jiangsu Society of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History, and president of the Aid Association of Victims in Nanjing during the War of Aggression against China by Japanese Invaders. His achievements include the first prize (ranked second and third respectively) of the Science Research Famous Achievement Award in Higher Institution (Humanities and Social Sciences), established by the Ministry of Education, the “Popular Reading” category of the same Award, the first and second prizes of the National Teaching Achievement Award (ranked third), and the first, second and third prizes of Jiangsu Province’s Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences.

8.Wang Qizhi (deputy director of Nanjing Museum)


Born in March 1969, Wang Qizhi, of Han nationality, is a native of Jiangyan, Jiangsu Province with a bachelor’s degree in archaeology from Shandong University. He is among third-level trainees in the third and fourth phases of “333 High-level Talent Training Project” of Jiangsu Province. Wang started work in 1990 and joined the CPC in 1995. He is now a deputy director and Party committee member of Nanjing Museum, and research librarian.

9.Huang Zaixing (director of the Personnel Management Division of Public Institutions of the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Jiangsu Province)


Huang Zaixing, of Han nationality, was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in June 1965. He holds a master’s degree in philosophy of science and technology from Southeast University. He joined the CPC in June 1987 and started his career in August 1987. He is currently the director of the Personnel Management Division of Public Institutions of the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Jiangsu Province and a Level I Division Rank Official.

10.Li Wei (deputy director of the Education, Science and Culture Division of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance)


Li Wei, of Han nationality, is a CPC member. Born in September 1976, she is a native of Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. She holds a doctorate degree from the School of Journalism and Communication at Nanjing Normal University. Li is currently the deputy director of the Education, Science and Culture Division of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance.

11. Che Ning (director of the Museum Division of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and a Level I Division Rank Official)


Che Ning, of Han nationality, was born in March 1966. She is a native of Rongcheng, Shandong Province with a university degree. Che formerly served as the deputy secretary of the Party Committee, deputy director of the Office, deputy director of the Foreign Cultural Exchange Division, and director of the Office of the former Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture, and director of the Museum Division of the former Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics. She is now the director of the Museum Division of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and a Level I Division Rank Official.


12. Liu Fengming (director of the Finance Division of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)


Liu Fengming, of Han nationality, was born in September 1974. She is a native of Hai’an, Jiangsu Province with a postgraduate degree. She once served as the deputy director of the former Regulations Division (Law Enforcement Supervision Division) of the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, the deputy director of the Comprehensive Cultural Relics Division (Cultural Relics Law Enforcement Supervision Division) of the former Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture (now the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics), the deputy director and director of the Cultural Relics Management Division of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism. Liu is currently the director of the Finance Division of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.

13.Xie Xiaoting (director of Suzhou Museum)


Xie Xiaoting, of Han nationality, is a CPC member. She is currently the secretary of the general Party branch and director of Suzhou Museum, a museum research librarian, one of “333 High-level Talents” in Jiangsu Province, and the chairman of the Committee of Young Museum Professionals of Chinese Museums Association. She has published more than 20 papers, including the “Practical Experience and Future Prospects of Museum Cultural Product Development – A Case Study of Suzhou Museum”, “Academic and Popular Aspects of Museum Exhibitions”, “Museum Exhibitions and Adolescent Education”, and “Contributions and Reflections on Museum Education in a Learning Society – A Case Study of ‘Museum School’ in Suzhou Museum” as well as a monograph entitled “Ideas, Practice and Thoughts on Museum Curation”.

14.Zhao Zheng (principal of Yangzhou Yucai Experimental School in Jiangsu Province)


Zhao Zheng, born in August 1976, is a CPC member and senior teacher in primary and secondary schools. He now serves as the principal of Yangzhou Yucai Experimental School and deputy secretary of the general Party branch. Zhao has won honorary titles such as “Advanced Individual of Jiangsu Province National Scientific Literacy Competition”, “Outstanding Instructor of Yangzhou City”, “Outstanding Educator of Guangling District”, and “Outstanding Party Member”. He has published many papers in core journals and has conducted several open courses at both city and district levels.

15.Zheng Jing (director of the CGCM)


Zheng Jing, of Han nationality, was born in August 1978 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. She is a CPC member with a master’s degree. She once served as the director of the Social Service Department of Nanjing Museum and director of the Office of Nanjing Museum. She is now the Party branch secretary and director of the CGCM.

16.  Liu Qin (research librarian of the CGCM)


Born in May 1970, Liu Qin, of Han nationality, is a native of Yizheng, Jiangsu Province with a bachelor’s degree. She once served as the Party branch secretary and director of Yizheng Museum, chief of the Cultural and Museum Section of Yizheng Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and TV and Tourism, and a staff member of Yangzhou Culture and History Museum with Level IV professional and technical qualifications. She is currently the director of the Acquisition Department of the CGCM.

17.Ji Hua (volunteer of the CGCM)


Born in March 1985, Ji Hua, of Han nationality, is a native of Gaoyou, Jiangsu Province. She is a CPC member with a master’s degree in management. She is now a teacher and associate professor at Tongda College of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Since joining the “Jinfan” volunteer team of the CGCM in October 2021, she has collectively contributed over 500 hours of service.

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