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Official Establishment of the CGCM Council and Supervisory Board
2023-12-27 10:01:16

The inaugural meeting of the Council and Supervisory Board of the CGCM and the first plenary meeting of Council members were held in Nanjing in the afternoon on December 26, 2023. Attendees included Yang Zhichun, secretary of the Party leadership group and director-general of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and all the Council and Supervisory Board members.


Director-general Yang Zhichun takes a group photo with all Council and Supervisory Board members

As a result of voting by all Council members at the meetings, Shi Feng, member of the leading Party group and deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and director of the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, and Party committee secretary of Nanjing Museum, was elected as the chairman of the first Council and Zheng Jing, director of the CGCM, was elected as the secretary-general of the first Council. According to the approval of the leading Party group of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Gu Haijun, director of the Personnel Division of the Department of Culture and Tourism, was appointed as the chairman of the first Supervisory Board.


Director-general Yang Zhichun presents a letter of appointment to the Council’s chairman Shi Feng


Director-general Yang Zhichun presents a letter of appointment to secretary-general Zheng Jing


Director-general Yang Zhichun presents a letter of appointment to the Supervisory Board’s chairman Gu Haijun

Director Zheng Jing offered an introduction to preparations for the first Council and Supervisory Board. The meetings considered and approved the Charter of the Council of the Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum, Charter of the Supervisory Board of the Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum, and a 2023 report on the work and 2024 work plan, 2023 financial revenues and expenditures, and 2024 budget of the Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum.


All Council and Supervisory Board members review relevant documents

Shi Feng, chairman of the Council, stated that the establishment of the CGCM’s Council and Supervisory Board is a significant demonstration of the thorough examination and application of Xi Jinping’s cultural ideologies and the essence of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Provincial Committee. This signifies a pivotal advancement for the CGCM in building its legal person governance framework and holds substantial importance as a milestone in its development. As chairman, he pledged to diligently fulfill his responsibilities, unite and guide his Council members, precisely understand the trajectory of museum development under the new normal of legal person governance reform. He aimed to steer the Council in sync with the museum’s strategic course and strive to serve the Council to the best of his abilities. He suggested that with the guidance and support of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the Council ought to bolster cultural confidence, embrace openness and inclusivity, and uphold the principles of integrity and innovation. The Council should maximize its functions as a strategic advisor, intermediary, and resource coordinator, enhancing the CGCM’s decision-making precision and public service accessibility. The aim is to advance the museum’s societal engagement, take on new cultural responsibilities, and play a part in fortifying a culturally robust socialist province by offering expertise and support.


Council chairman Shi Feng delivers a speech





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