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Potala Palace – A World Cultural Heritage from the Land of Snows

Potala Palace – A World Cultural Heritage from the Land of Snows

Date: February 6, 2024–May 19, 2024

Venue: Galleries 11 and 12 


The Potala Palace is situated atop Marpori (Red Mountain) in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, at an altitude of 3,700 meters. Spanning 400,000 square meters, the palace has a built-up area of 130,000 square meters. The entire structure, comprising 13 floors, rises to an impressive height of 117 meters, towering majestically against the sky. In 1961, the Potala Palace was listed as the first batch of major cultural heritage sites under national-level protection. In 1994, it was inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.

As a protected historical building complex, the Potala Palace is now open to the public and also serves the needs of pilgrims. The Potala Palace’s collection of cultural relics is primarily stored in its storerooms and displayed in its halls, with rare exhibitions held outside the palace. Unusually, for the very first time, 101 pieces (or sets) of cultural relics have left the Potala Palace. Nearly one-third of these relics are making their debut and will travel thousands of miles to be exhibited at the CGCM.

In 2022, the CGCM began to launch a series of “Cultural Heritage” exhibitions. This special exhibition featuring Potala Palace is the second stop in the series. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Potala Palace’s successful inscription as a World Heritage site, the CGCM invites you to step into the galleries and take in the magnificence of the palace.

The exhibition area is divided into five sections: the introductory gallery, Thousand Years of Majesty, Abundant Artworks and Cultural Objects, Repair and Preservation, and the exit gallery. The introductory gallery showcases the iconic four-column and eight-beam entrance hall structure of the Potala Palace. A theme wall depicts the palace at sunrise, symbolizing its location in the City of Sunshine—Lhasa. The interplay of light and shadow guides visitors into the gallery space. Sunshine is a recurring theme throughout the exhibition. Sunrise, midday, and sunset serve as connecting elements throughout the entire display, showcasing the Potala Palace in different light at various times of the day.

The first section, “Thousand Years of Majesty”, showcases the thousand-year construction history and architectural features of the Potala Palace. The second section, “Abundant Artworks and Cultural Objects”, displays representative thangkas, sculptures, and other artistic relics and daily necessities from the Potala Palace. This section also features the largest and most exquisite collection of exhibits in the entire display. The third section, “Repair and Preservation”, highlights two phases of the Potala Palace’s restoration as well as other heritage protection efforts. The exit gallery is dominated by digital exhibits. The Potala Palace at sunset will inspire you at the end of the exhibition and provide a fitting conclusion.

The CGCM and the Potala Palace Administration Office will leverage this special exhibition to unveil the mysterious veil of the Potala Palace and showcase its significance as an indispensable part of the Chinese cultural community and a treasure house of world cultural heritage. Unique ridges, towering palace walls, colorful thangkas, exquisite sculptures, and precious books have continuously converged from all directions to the Land of Snows as the Potala Palace was built, repaired, and preserved. Together, these elements have forged the enduring and timeless legend of this iconic palace.


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