Cn En
King of Jiangdu

The exhibition delves into the personal experiences of Liu Fei, the King of Jiangdu, spanning from the “Rule of Wen and Jing” (180–141 BC) to the reign of Emperor Wu of Han (141–87 BC). It features exquisite cultural artifacts unearthed from the king’s mausoleum in Dayun Mountain, Xuyi, Jiangsu Province. Through archaeological findings and historical documents, it illustrates the political, military, and economic interactions between the feudatory king and the central government during the Western Han Dynasty.

The exhibition highlights significant cultural relics such as a jade burial suit threaded with gold, a jade-inlaid lacquered coffin, gold- and silver-inlaid bronze artifacts, and gem-studded chariot and horse fittings. It provides a comprehensive overview of the funerary objects belonging to the king and his queen and concubines, recreating scenes of banquets with singing and dancing, funeral rituals, aspirations for immortality, and beliefs about “afterlife” among the Western Han nobility. The exhibition will offer visitors a deeper insight into the personal journey of the feudatory king of the Han Dynasty amidst a historical shift towards centralized power and the decline of feudal authority in the context of great unification. This exploration will enable visitors to understand the funeral ideologies of the Han Dynasty: “Everlasting Happiness in Life and After Death” and “Treat Death as It Lives”.



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