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Party Building
CGCM Party Branch Launches “July 1st” Thematic Party Day Activity of “Staying True to Our Original Aspiration and Founding Mission and Daring to Take Responsibility and Action”

On July 1, 2022, the CPC branch committee of the CGCM organized the “July 1st” thematic Party day activity of “Staying True to Our Original Aspiration and Founding Mission and Daring to Take Responsibility and Action” at the Jiang Shangqing Martyrs’ Historical Data Exhibition Hall to celebrate the 101st birthday of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and encourage Party cadres to remain dedicated to their initial mission and actively engage in their responsibilities.

At the Jiang Shangqing Martyrs’ Historical Data Exhibition Hall, Chen Jingjing, the deputy secretary of the Party branch, led all Party members to review the Chinese Communist Party Admission Oath. All Party members demonstrated their loyalty and love for the CPC by reciting the oath with a strong, enthusiastic, and solemn voice.

Afterwards, under the guidance of relevant staff, all Party members visited galleries such as “A Patriotic, Democratic Family in the Era of Seeking the Truth”, “Unwavering Dedication to Revolution”, “Sowing the Seeds of Revolution Through Teaching”, “Rescuing the Nation and Awakening the Masses”, “Establishing Revolutionary Bases and Shedding Blood in the Northeast of Anhui”, “Versatility and Brilliance”, “Remembered for Eternity”. They learned about the glorious but short life of martyr Jiang Shangqing who devoted himself to the revolution and understood deeply the patriotic sentiments that led such revolutionary martyrs to sacrifice their lives selflessly for their country.

The Party members paid tribute to revolutionary martyrs while reviewing the history of revolution. The Party members, immersed in the revolutionary spirit on site, have further strengthened their sense of historical responsibility and national mission. They have unanimously pledged to uphold and pass on the tradition of revolution, develop a political character of absolute loyalty, and increase Party consciousness and discipline. With unwavering historical confidence, heightened political fervor, and a more pragmatic work approach, they are committed to operating the CGCM with high quality and welcoming the convening of the 20th CPC National Congress with exceptional achievements.

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