The boats on the Canal oared their way here from afar, toughing through the warfare of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, with hundred schools of thoughts on board. The splashing of oars and shadows of sails connect the north and the south. The long Canal and its enduring water changed themselves into culture. Two millennia metamorphosed into a surging song about brocade sails and shining arms; royal boats anchored at the Canal banks year after year. Rice flowers fly into people’s arms forming themselves into a dream of riches; wheat and millet exchange secrets in their sweet dreams at night.
The exhibition primarily exists in digital format with the pocket-sized book Boats on the Canal released by the CGCM as its primary source material. It showcases 45 carefully chosen boat models from its permanent galleries, accompanied by historical documents, ancient paintings, and archaeological discoveries. The exhibition narrates the tale of how early Chinese forebears navigated boats, the immense effort involved in canal construction that linked various waterways, the trade and exchange of products between southern and northern China facilitated by the canal’s completion, and the vibrant canal life teeming with thriving industries and a rich cultural tapestry, offering a captivating panoramic view.